• 151 Metrekare
  • 8 İnsanlar
  • 9 banyolar
  • 5 yataklar

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  • Visit the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan
  • See amazing works of contemporary art, including Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night
  • Check out Campbell's Soup Cans by Warhol and The Dance (I) by Matisse
  • Behold masterpieces by Gauguin, Dali, Picasso, and Pollock
  • Enjoy free audio guides available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Alan Türü

  • Bar
  • Ballroom
  • Dance Studio
  • Party Hall
  • Yoga Studio
  • Villa

  • Breakfast Breakfast
  • Parking Parking
  • Pool Pool
  • Wi-Fi Internet Wi-Fi Internet

Check-in time?
As a rough guide, the check-in time is after 12 a.m. Let us know your arrival time in case you schedule and early check in we‘ll do our best to have your room available.
Check-out time?
As a rough guide, the check-out time is before 12pm. If you plan a late check out kindly let us know your departure time, we’ll our best to satisfy your needs.
Is Reception open 24 hours?
Yes, Reception service is available 24 hours.
Which languages are spoken at Reception?
Italian, English, French, German and Spanish.
Can I leave my luggage?
Yes, we can look after your luggage. If at check in your room is not ready yet or in case of early check out after .We will store your luggage free of charge on your check-in and check-out days.
Internet connection?
A wireless internet connection is available throughout the hotel. The guest rooms feature hi-speed web connectivity (both wireless and cabled).


İndirim 50%
İtibaren ₺300.00 ₺150.00
Giriş - Çıkış
12 yaş ve üzeri
Ages 2–12

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8 Maksimum Misafir Sayısı

Ayrıca şunları da beğenebilirsiniz

₺300.00 ₺150.00